Test 12. Устная часть

Task 1

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

Thirty years ago, there were some 2 million king penguins on France’s remote island of Ile aux Cochons. It is located in the Indian Ocean, between Africa and Antarctica. But satellite pictures show that the population has almost entirely disappeared. A recent study published in the journal Antarctic Science estimates that only 200,000 of the penguins are left. The reason for the decline is unknown. Scientists say disease could be a factor. Another reason could be overcrowding. King penguins relocate when they can no longer compete for food. But an even more alarming trend may be playing a part: climate change. Penguins like to hunt and fish in icy waters. But as air temperatures get warmer, so do the oceans. The penguins have to swim farther away from the island to reach cold water.
